HomeAbout the Library / Curbside Service Only

Curbside Service Only

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As we address challenges with the building, the library continues to be open for curbside service only, from 10am to 5pm on weekdays and 1pm to 5pm on Saturdays. Please phone the library at 250-627-1345, or e-mail circulation staff on duty at circulation@princerupertlibrary.ca. You may also use our catalogue to place holds for yourself directly:


What happened: A drainpipe froze at the point that it exits the building, and water that came down from the roof backed up and found a weakness in a joint. This water coming from the ceiling has been stopped, but we are still unable to use the lights in a high traffic area, and on top of that there is now a bit of a hole between the first and second floors! As you might imagine, local professionals already have their hands full dealing with the consequences of the freezing weather, yet they're helping us as fast as they can.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We hope to reopen fully soon.