HomeAbout the Library / December 18 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

December 18 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

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Prince Rupert Public Library Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2024

101 6th Ave. West, Prince Rupert, BC V8J 1Y9

Wap Liitsx - House of Reading

Chair: B. Turner

Members: J. Amante, R. Braun, K. Lyon, N. Purewal

Regrets: R. Butler, T. Forster (City Council), C. de Ryk (Vice Chair)

Staff: M. Taylor, Acting Chief Librarian, Secretary of the Board

City Council: N. Adey

  1. Call to Order/ Introductions
    1. The Prince Rupert Library Board acknowledges the traditional and unceded territory of the Ts’msyen on which this meeting takes place.
    2. Call to Order at 7:04 p.m.
  2. Consent Agenda
    1. Adoption of Meeting Minutes

      That the Prince Rupert Library Board resolves to adopt the November 20, 2024 Prince Rupert Library Board Meeting minutes as presented.



    2. Adoption of Financial Report

      That the Prince Rupert Library Board resolves to adopt the November 2024 Financial Report as presented.



    3. Adoption of Circulation Report

      That the Prince Rupert Library Board resolves to adopt the November 2024 Circulation report as presented.



  3. Policy Sub-Committee Update
    1. Discussion on plan going forward. Next meeting for sub-committee is set for mid-January 2025.
  4. Library's Current Building & VIRL Proposal
    1. City Councillor N. Adey provided some background information on previous ideas for a new library building.
    2. M. Taylor asked if the Board would be able to view the assessment of the building conducted by VIRL in June 2024. Councillor Adey will look into this.

      Motion put forward by R. Braun:

      That the Prince Rupert Library Board create an ad hoc "New Facility Committee" to research and develop a strategic plan proposal for building a new facility for the Prince Rupert Library.



      Discussion of the committee's mandate:

      • The committee will perform initial research on the process for building a new facility and report back to the Board on January 15, 2025 with sufficient information to define and support the Board's 2025 Strategic Planning process.
      • The committee will then develop a long-term strategic plan proposal detailing how to secure City borrowing, grants, and public contributions to build the new facility for occupancy by 2030 and shall submit the draft strategic proposal and summary report for consideration by the Board.
      • The committee shall work with the City of Prince Rupert and other relevant community partners or grantors to achieve this outcome.
      • Discussion on timelines and deadlines for the committee.
      • Action Item: R. Braun will confirm membership of New Facility Committee and set a date to meet before the Jan. 15, 2025 Board meeting.

    3. Letter from PRDTU

      The Prince Rupert Library Board received a letter from the PRDTU (Prince Rupert District Teachers' Union) on Nov. 29, 2024 which expressed support and recognition for the work and structure of the current library and its local community/ City appointed governance model, as well as a strong desire to maintain this structure.

      Motion for the Board to release a statement to the community addressing questions about the future of the library.



      Action Item: B. Turner will draft a response on behalf of the Board to the community at large.

  5. Programs & Events Update
    1. M. Taylor provided an update on recent Enhanced Mobility Kit launch, Family Literacy Day event, and joint initiatives with the Prince Rupert Rec. Centre and Change Makers' Society.
    2. The Library has a new private study room that can be booked on a first-come, first-served basis. Room booking policy will need to be developed.
    3. Review of new spreadsheet which outlines Enhancement Grant initiatives and spending.
  6. Additional Items
    1. The Board will re-assess the Strategic Plan and its sub-committee in January 2025.
    2. B. Turner provided an update from the hiring committee.
    3. R. Braun provided login information to Board members for new document sharing platform and outlined its use and purpose. Board members are to acquaint themselves with the platform.
  7. Next Meeting Date
    1. The Prince Rupert Library Board will meet on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
  8. Adjournment
    1. That the Prince Rupert Library Board adjourns their meeting held on December 18, 2024, the time being 8:35 p.m.