HomeFind Books, Movies & More / Magazines

Many of the magazines carried by the Prince Rupert Library are acquired through the generous donations of our patrons. Please consider showing your support for the library by sponsoring a new magazine subscription or regularly donating a magazine that you purchase.
The following is a list of the magazines that you can find in the library. Current issues are for in-library use only, while past issues are available for check out.
List of Newspapers @ the Prince Rupert Library
We also have magazines available electronically through Zinio. Click on this link (or the graphic on the left) to connect and read the latest issues of over a thosand magazines on your computer or many portable devices!
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Magazines for Kids
Donated Magazines listed in bold
- Abilities
- Animal Sense
- Arthritis Today
- The Artist's Magazine
- Better Homes and Gardens
- Booklist
- BP Canada
- British Columbia Business
- British Columbia History
- British Columbia Magazine
- British Columbia Studies
- Canada's History
- Canadian Art
- Canadian Business
- Canadian Geographic
- Canadian Geographic Travel
- Canadian Guider
- Canadian House and Home
- Canadian Living
- Canadian Musician
- Car & Driver
- Chatelaine
- Chickadee
- Common Ground
- Condé Nast Traveller
- Consumer Reports
- Cooking Light
- Culture
- Discover
- Dogster
- The Economist
- EcoParent
- Esquire
- Explore
- Family Fun
- Family Handyman
- Fine Homebuilding
- Fine Woodworking
- Fly Fisherman
- Food Network
- Garden Making
- Geist
- Girl's Life (GL)
- Gold Book
- Golf Digest
- Good Housekeeping
- Good Times
- GQ (Gentleman's Quarterly)
- Growing the North
- Harper's
- Healthier You
- Healthy Cooking
- Hello Canada
- The Hockey News
- Home Power
- House Beautiful
- Interweave Crochet
- Interweave Knits
- Jack and Jill
- Kayak
- Macleans
- Make
- Marie Claire
- Martha Stewart Living
- Muscle and Fitness
- National Fisherman
- National Geographic
- National Geographic Kids
- The New Yorker
- O (Oprah Magazine)
- Old Autos
- Our Canada
- Outdoor Canada
- Owl
- Pacific Yachting
- Pedal
- People
- Photo Life
- Popular Mechanics
- Popular Science
- Prevention
- Psychology Today
- Quilting Arts
- Reader's Digest
- Reader's Digest (Large Print)
- Rolling Stone
- Runner's World
- Scientific American
- The Scrivener
- Self-Realization
- Seventeen
- Shape
- Skeptical Inquirer
- Ski Canada
- The Spin
- Sports Illustrated
- The Spotlight
- Style At Home
- Sunset
- Swedish Press
- Taste of Home
- This
- Time
- Today's Parent
- Tradetalk
- Transition
- United Church Observer
- Vanity Fair
- Visions
- Vogue
- Walrus
- Weight Watchers
- Western Mariner
- Wild
- Wired
- Wooden Boat
- Yoga Journal