HomeAbout the Library / Friends of the Prince Rupert Public Library (FoPRPL)
Friends of the Prince Rupert Public Library (FoPRPL)

About us:
We are a volunteer, nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization. We raise funds for library resources/materials, programs and other needs not supplied by the normal operational budget.
Our purpose is to make the public aware of Friends of the Library and the services we perform in providing for all our library users.
Current Executive:
Chair: Vacant
Treasurer: Laura Esposito
Director/Secretary: Patricia Banighen
Director: Marcus Hausner
Director: Chelsea Keays
Director: Leslee Bruce
Director: Evelyn Vogel
Member Benefits:
When you become a member of the Friends of the Library you will:
- Enjoy a library that is better because of your volunteering and fundraising efforts.
- Improve our community culture as a result of a great library.
- Enjoy the pride that comes from knowing that you are helping to spread the joy of reading and love of culture.
- Have an opportunity to meet new people and create new alliances within our community.
- Be invited to library special events.
Volunteer Opportunity:
Volunteers are very important to the success of the Prince Rupert Public Library. We are a diverse group of people sharing a common goal to provide support to our public library. Would you like to join the Friends of the Library?
- Enquire at the Front Desk at the Library
- Call: 250-627-1345
- Send us an email: circulation@princerupertlibrary.ca.