New Arrivals for June 2021
Last Updated July 12th , 2021
Items added between June 1st and June 30th , 2021
(Previous additions may be found here )
Click and drag, swipe, or use the previous and next buttons to browse the new items in a particular location. A text version is also available.
Note : Some items may not have their covers shown here, and the covers of the library's copies may differ.
Select a location:
Adult Fiction - Second Floor
Adult Graphic Novels
Adult Non-Fiction
Christmas Storage
Juvenile Fiction
Juvenile Graphic Novels
Juvenile Non-Fiction
Large Print
Paperbacks - Adult
Paperbacks - Romance
Paperbacks - Science Fiction
Adult DVDs
Educational & Documentary DVDs
Juvenile DVDs
This Red Line Goes Straight To Your Heart
Anand, Madhur 1971-
The Passenger
Boschwitz, Ulrich Alexander 1915-1942
The President's Daughter
Clinton, Bill 1946-
Her Dark Lies
Ellison, J. T.
The Night Hawks
Griffiths, Elly
The Other Emily
Koontz, Dean R. (Dean Ray) 1945-
And Now You're Back
Mansell, Jill
The Road Trip
O'Leary, Beth
Sustaining Faith
Oke, Janette 1935-
If You Hear Me
Quiviger, Pascale
Midnight Sweatlodge
Rice, Waubgeshig 1979-
When The Eagle Hunts
Scarrow, Simon
The Last Green Valley
Sullivan, Mark T.
Mental Fitness, The Game Changer & The Key To Psychological Strength And Resilience
Kinley, Jackie 1963-
155.24 Kinl
Finding The Mother Tree
Simard, S. (Suzanne)
333.75 Sima
The Rise And Fall Of The Dinosaurs
Brusatte, Steve
567.9 Brus
Discipline Without Damage
Lapointe, Vanessa
649.1 Lapo
Adventure Through The Inside Passage
Davis, Doug (Douglas C.)
778.932 Davi
Norma Jeane Baker Of Troy
Carson, Anne 1950-
812.54 Cars
Queen Charlotte Islands Trail Hikes And Beach Walks
Henderson, Fern
917.1131 Hend
The White Mouse
Wake, Nancy
B Wake
All The Best From Ireland
CD All
All The Best From Ireland
CD All
Beautiful Music
101 Strings
CD Best
Festive Spirits
Atkinson, Kate
Christmas Cupcake Murder
Fluke, Joanne 1943-
Aleman, Daniel
J Alem
Misfit In Love
Ali, S. K.
J Ali
Hurricane Summer
Bromfield, Asha
J Brom
Alice Fleck's Recipes For Disaster
Delaney, Rachelle
J Dela
Tokyo Ever After
Jean, Emiko
J Jean
Johnston, E. K.
J John
Truly Tyler
Libenson, Terri
J Libe
Tremendous Things
Nielsen-Fernlund, Susin 1964-
J Neil
The Street Belongs To Us
Pendleton Jiménez, Karleen 1971-
J Pend
When You Get The Chance
Ryan, Tom 1977 February 26-
J Ryan
On The Hook
Stork, Francisco X.
J Stor
Made In Korea
Suk, Sarah
J Suk
Incredible Doom. Vol 1
Bogart, Matthew 1978-
J Boga
Glam Prix Racers
Kent, Deanna
J Kent
The Postman From Space
Perreault, Guillaume 1985-
J Perr
Yorick And Bones. Friends By Any Other Name
Tankard, Jeremy
J Tank
Scaredy's Nutty Adventures. 1 Scaredy Squirrel In A Nutshell
Watt, Mélanie 1975-
J Watt
The Dragon Path
Young, Ethan 1983-
J Youn
The How And Wow Of The Human Body
Thomas, Mindy
J 612 Thom
This Time Next Year We'll Be Laughing A Memoir
Winspear, Jacqueline 1955-
LP 823.92 Wins
While Justice Sleeps
Abrams, Stacey
LP Abra
Thick As Thieves
Brown, Sandra 1948-
LP Brow
Surviving Savannah
Henry, Patti Callahan.
LP Call
The Darkest Evening
Cleeves, Ann
LP Clee
The Kelly Trail
McCauley, Terrence
LP Comp
The Law Of Innocence
Connelly, Michael 1956-
LP Conn
The Guest List
Foley, Lucy (Novelist)
LP Fole
A Lady's Guide To Mischief And Murder
Freeman, Dianne 1958-
LP Free
A Time For Mercy
Grisham, John
LP Gris
Cat Me If You Can
James, Miranda
LP Jame
Blink Of An Eye
Johansen, Iris
LP Joha
Bury The Hatchet
Johnstone, William W.
LP John
A Good Day For A Massacre
Johnstone, William W.
LP John
Sunflower Sisters
Kelly, Martha Hall
LP Kell
Transient Desires
Leon, Donna
LP Leon
My Italian Bulldozer
McCall Smith, Alexander 1948-
The Second-worst Restaurant In France
McCall Smith, Alexander 1948-
How To Raise An Elephant
McCall Smith, Alexander 1948-
One For The Books
McKinlay, Jenn
Where The Crawdads Sing
Owens, Delia
LP Owen
The Palm Beach Murders
Patterson, James 1947-
LP Patt
Deadly Cross
Patterson, James 1947-
LP Patt
The Duke And I
Quinn, Julia 1970-
LP Quin
Romancing Mister Bridgerton
Quinn, Julia 1970-
LP Quin
Ocean Prey
Sandford, John 1944 February 23-
LP Sand
Who Rescued Who
Schade, Victoria
LP Scha
Moral Compass
Steel, Danielle
LP Stee
All That Glitters
Steel, Danielle
LP Stee
Eight Perfect Murders
Swanson, Peter 1968-
LP Swan
The Second Sleep
Harris, Robert 1957-
APb Harr
Credible Threat
Jance, Judith A.
APb Janc
Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Evolution
Freeman, Brian 1963-
APb Ludl
First Comes Scandal
Quinn, Julia 1970-
RPb Quin
Venus Prime
Clarke, Arthur C. (Arthur Charles) 1917-2008
SFPb Clar
Star Stuff : Carl Sagan And The Mysteries Of The Cosmos & More Space Adventures
JDVD Star 1588