Archive: New Items for July 2020 (Visual Version)
Last Updated August 4th , 2020
Items added between July 1st and July 31st , 2020
(March, April and May additions can still be found here , and June additions here )
Click and drag, swipe, or use the previous and next buttons to browse the new items in a particular location. A text version is also available.
Note : Some items may not have their covers shown here, and the covers of the library's copies may differ.
Select a location:
Adult Fiction - Second Floor
Adult Non-Fiction
Juvenile Fiction
Large Print
Multilingual Collection - Second Floor
Multilingual Juvenile French
Multilingual Juvenile French - First Floor
Northwest History Collection - Non-Circulating
Paperbacks - Adult
Paperbacks - Fantasy
Paperbacks - Mystery
Paperbacks - Romance
Paperbacks - Science Fiction
Storage - Northwest History Collection
Adult DVDs
Educational & Documentary DVDs
The Revelators
Atkins, Ace
The Empire Of Gold
Chakraborty, S. A.
Tom Clancy
Maden, Mike
500 Miles From You
Colgan, Jenny
The Refuge
Gabhart, Ann H. 1947-
Death In Fancy Dress
Gilbert, Anthony 1899-1973
Old Lovegood Girls
Godwin, Gail
The Rat Began To Gnaw The Rope
Grafton, C. W. (Cornelius Warren) 1909-1982
Great Canadian Murder And Mystery Stories
Hearts Made Whole
Hedlund, Jody
The Woman In The White Kimono
Johns, Ana
Half Moon Bay
Kellerman, Jonathan
Grown Ups
Keyes, Marian
Riviera Gold
King, Laurie R.
Sex And Vanity
Kwan, Kevin
The Gilded Cage
Läckberg, Camilla 1974-
A Walk Along The Beach
Macomber, Debbie
Malerman, Josh
May, Peter 1951-
Call Me A Liar
McBeth, Colette
The Imperfects
Meyerson, Amy
In Her Shadow
Miller, Kristin 1980-
Shakespeare For Squirrels
Moore, Christopher 1957-
The Secrets Of Love Story Bridge
Patrick, Phaedra
Dance Away With Me
Phillips, Susan Elizabeth
The Overstory
Powers, Richard 1957-
How The Penguins Saved Veronica
Prior, Hazel
The Sun Sister
Riley, Lucinda
The Last Emperox
Scalzi, John 1969-
The Last Trial
Turow, Scott
Redhead By The Side Of The Road
Tyler, Anne
Sharks In The Time Of Saviors
Washburn, Kawai Strong 1980-
Big Summer
Weiner, Jennifer
Bregman, Rutger 1988-
128 Breg
Compassionate Conversations
Hamilton, Diane Musho
153.6 Hami
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
Covey, Stephen R.
158 Cove
The Language Your Body Speaks
Meredith, Ellen 1955-
615.89 Mere
Effects Of Pre-commercial Thinning On Growth And Diversity Of Paper Birch Leading Stands 25 Years Following Thinning.
Leclerc, Marie-Eve
634.92 Lecl
The BC Ferries 40th Anniversary Cookbook.
British Columbia Ferry Corporation
641.5 Brit
The Whole30 Fast & Easy Cookbook
Hartwig, Melissa
641.563 Hart
Chowder Trail Cookbook
Elliot, Elaine 1939-
641.813 Lee
The Traveller's Site Guide To Barkerville Historic Town.
Bakerville Historic Town
917.1175 Bake
More Than Love
Wagner, Natasha Gregson 1970-
B Wood
The Great Cake Mystery
McCall Smith, Alexander 1948-
J McCa
A Sea Of Sorrows
McClintock, Norah
J McCl
Burn Our Bodies Down
Power, Rory
J Powe
Video Kill
Fluke, Joanne 1943-
LP Fluk
Rendez-vous Dans Le 18e
Lamar, Jake
La Disparition
Gingras, Charlotte 1943-
MJF Ging
Mon Super-meilleur Copain
Pied, Savine
MJF Pied
Les Plantes Qui Puent, Qui Pètent, Qui Piquent
Hignard, Lionel 1951-
MJF 580 Hign
L' Île Aux Masques
Baccalario, Pierdomenico
MJF Bacc
Bande De Canailles!
Beaumont, Karen
MJF Beau
C'est Quoi Les Religions?
Bernard, Héliane
MJF Bern
Comment Naissent Les Vagues?
Boucher, Michel 1955-
MJF Bouc
Benjami Et La Nuit
Bourgeois, Paulette.
MJF Bour
Sept Voleurs
Chauvel, David 1969-
MJF Chav
Le Chant Des Stryges
Corbeyran 1964-
MJF Corb
Olivia Prépare Noël
Falconer, Ian 1959-
MJF Falc
Gâteaux Et Chapeaux
Friot, Bernard
MJF Frio
Mon Petit Doigt M'a Dit
Galode, Catherine K.
MJF Galo
Le Secret De Petit Ours Blanc
Genechten, Guido van
MJF Gene
Le Chat Qui Revait D'etre Un Tigre
Greaves, Margaret
MJF Grea
Vroum! Vroum! Vroum!
Hall, Kirsten
MJF Hall
Kimiko Et Le Botaniste
Ise, Hideko 1949-
Le Crabe Et Le Singe
Kinoshita, Junji 1914-2006
MJF Kino
Blues Bayou
Lacombe, Benjamin 1982-
MJF Laco
Le Livre Qui Vole
Laury, Pierre
MJF Laur
Le Petit Train D'Amidou
Molist, Pep
MJF Moli
Ma Maman Du Photomaton
Nadon, Yves
MJF Nado
Mademoiselle Nancy Et Le Chien Chic
O'Connor, Jane
À La Campagne
Pittau, Francisco 1956-
MJF Pitt
L' Escalier Où Le Chat M'attend
Sang-hui, Yi
MJF Sang
L' Épouvantail Ensorcelé
Penney, Shannon
MJF Scoo
Le Mystère De L'araigneée Géante
Erwin, Vicki
MJF Scoo
Brooklyn Baby
Singer, Marilyn 1948-
MJF Sing
Hugo Lachance
Stewart, Paul 1955-
MJF Stew
Le Dictionnaire Des Rêves Du Docteur Merveille
Sáez Castán, Javier 1964-
MJF Sáez
Anniversaire Surprise
Tachimoto, Michiko
MJF Tach
Portée Disparue
Terrée, Caroline 1968-
MJF Terr
Le Tapis Volant De Pélagie
Thomas, Valerie
MJF Thom
Le Château De Glace
Tibo, Gilles 1951-
MJF Tibo
Un Jour Encore
Valentini, Cristiana 1970-
MJF Vale
Un Nœud à Mon Mouchoir
Westera, Bette
MJF West
Aie! J'ai Mal!
Wilhelm, Hans 1945-
MJF Wilh
Sm'algya̱x Student Dictionary
Ts'msyen Sm'algya̱x Language Authority
NWHC 497.4 Ts'm
Geology Of The Northwest Mainland / By Allen Gottesfeld ; Edited By James L. Tirrul-Jones
Gottesfeld, Allen
NWHC 551.7 Gott
A Guide To Some Common Plants Of The Skeena Area, British Columbia
Coupe, R. 1952-
NWHC 581.97113 Coup
Cooking To The Beat Of Our Own Drum.
Cedar Road Aboriginal Head Start
NWHC 641.5 Ceda
Voyages To The South Seas, Indian And Pacific Oceans, China Sea, Northwest Coast, Feejee Islands, South Shetlands, &, &.
Fanning, Edmund 1769-1841
NWHC 901.4 Fann
Archaeological Survey Of The Lower Nass, Observatory Inlet And Portland Canal
Carlson, Roy L. 1930-
NWHC 930.1 Carl
Nothing Ventured
Archer, Jeffrey 1940-
APb Arch
Summer Of '69
Hilderbrand, Elin
APb Hild
The Outsider
King, Stephen 1947-
APb King
China Rich Girlfriend
Kwan, Kevin
APb Kwan
The Warning
Patterson, James 1947-
APb Patt
Crown Jewel
Reich, Christopher 1961-
APb Reic
Beating About The Bush
Beaton, M.C.
MPb Beat
Meant To Be Yours
Mallery, Susan
RPb Mall
A Star-wheeled Sky
Torgersen, Brad R.
SFPb Torg
The Gordian Protocol
Weber, David 1952-
SFPb Webe