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Library Closed Until Further Notice
As of Saturday February 27th 2021, the library will be temporarily closed until further notice due to COVID-19 exposure. Please keep all borrowed items at home. No overdue fines will be added during this closure.
To the best of our knowledge, at this time, Northern Health considers this to be a low-risk positive COVID test result and no public exposure alert has been posted.
Northern Health states that individuals who did not have close contact (within 2 metres, unmasked, for at least 15 minutes) and were simply present in the same location, do NOT need to take any additional precautions.
To protect the privacy of individual(s) concerned, as well as the safety of patrons and staff, the Prince Rupert Library shut its doors to the public on Feb 27, in an abundance of caution. We cannot provide patrons with times or dates of risk of exposure because we do not have information to give any accurate dates or measure of risk, other than to re-state what Northern Health has stated: This was a low-risk positive COVID test result.
We appreciate your patience as we work through this and hope to re-open soon.
Joe Zelwietro
Chief Librarian
Prince Rupert Public Library