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Archive: New Items for September 2020 (Visual Version)

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Last Updated October 2nd, 2020

Items added between September 1st and September 30th, 2020

(March, April and May additions can still be found here, June additions here, July additions here, and August additions here)

Click and drag, swipe, or use the previous and next buttons to browse the new items in a particular location. A text version is also available.

Note: Some items may not have their covers shown here, and the covers of the library's copies may differ.

Select a location:

Adult Fiction - Second Floor / Adult Non-Fiction / Children's Area Toddlers / Juvenile Fiction / Juvenile Non-Fiction / Juvenile Picture Books / Large Print / Multilingual Juvenile - First Floor / Multilingual Juvenile French - First Floor / Paperbacks - Adult / Paperbacks - Mystery / Paperbacks - Romance / Storage - Juvenile
Adult DVDs


Adult Fiction - Second Floor

(back to top)
Bova, Ben 1932-

Thick As Thieves
Brown, Sandra 1948-

How A Woman Becomes A Lake
Celona, Marjorie

Coulter, Catherine

A Village Scandal
Court, Dilly

Chance Of A Lifetime
Deveraux, Jude

Yellowhead Blues
Donald, R. E.

The Difference
Endicott, Marina 1958-

Kill The Queen
Estep, Jennifer

The Lying Life Of Adults
Ferrante, Elena

The Wives
Fisher, Tarryn

The Evening And The Morning
Follett, Ken

Bryant & May
Fowler, Christopher

The Case Of The Reincarnated Client
Hall, Tarquin

The Killings At Kingfisher Hill
Hannah, Sophie 1971-

Squeeze Me
Hiaasen, Carl

Last Girl Standing
Jackson, Lisa

Find Them Dead
James, Peter 1948-

Credible Threat
Jance, Judith A.

Next To Last Stand
Johnson, Craig 1961-

The Henna Artist
Joshi, Alka

Kealey, Imogen

The Friendship List
Mallery, Susan

Songs For The End Of The World
Nawaz, Saleema 1979-

The Switch
O'Leary, Beth

Cajun Justice
Patterson, James 1947-

All The Devils Are Here
Penny, Louise

A Question Of Betrayal
Perry, Anne

The Book Of Two Ways
Picoult, Jodi 1966-

The Black Swan Of Paris
Robards, Karen

Shadows In Death
Robb, J. D. 1950-

The Silent Wife
Slaughter, Karin 1971-

Smith, Ali 1962-

Daddy's Girls
Steel, Danielle

The Sea Glass Cottage
Thayne, RaeAnne

The Color Of Air
Tsukiyama, Gail

The Lost And Found Bookshop
Wiggs, Susan

The Garden House
Willett, Marcia

Something To Talk About
Wilsner, Meryl

I Saw Him Die
Wilson, Andrew 1967-

A Beautiful Arrangement
Wiseman, Beth 1962-

The Winnowing Season
Woodsmall, Cindy

A Season For Tending
Woodsmall, Cindy

For Every Season
Woodsmall, Cindy

Seasons Of Tomorrow
Woodsmall, Cindy

Chaos Rising
Zahn, Timothy


Adult Non-Fiction

(back to top)
Windows 10 For Dummies
Rathbone, Andy

005.446 Rath
Stelter, Brian

070.4 Stel
A History Of Magic, Witchcraft, & The Occult

133.4 Hist
What's My Teenager Thinking
Carey, Tanith

155.5 Care
Personality Isn't Permanent
Hardy, Benjamin

158 Hard
The Tech Diet For Your Child & Teen
Marshall, Brad

303.48 Mars
Power Shift
Armstrong, Sally 1943-

305.42 Arms
How To Be An Antiracist
Kendi, Ibram X.

305.8 Kend
The Skin We're In
Cole, Desmond 1982-

305.896 Cole
River Of Blood

306.362 Rive
Agent Sonya
Macintyre, Ben 1963-

327.1247 Maci
Dayen, David

338.8 Daye
Pathways Of Reconciliation
Craft, Aimee

371.8 Craf
Life Is In The Transitions
Feiler, Bruce 1964-

392 Feil
Cambridge IELTS Academic 15

428.24 Camb
IELTS General Training 15

428.24 IELT
Snow Cover Timing From Satellite Imagery
Bevington, Alexandre R.

551.579 Bevi
Spirits Of The Coast

599.536 Spir
The Psychobiotic Revolution
Anderson, Scott C.

612.32 Ande
Eat For Life
Fuhrman, Joel

613.2 Fuhr
The Parent's Guide To Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Bowler, Amelia

616.89 Bowl
Magnolia Table
Gaines, Joanna 1978-

641.5 Gain
The Renal Diet Cookbook Collection
Carrillo Press

641.5631 Carr
Cook Once, Eat All Week
Garcia, Cassy Joy

641.5639 Garc
Candy Making For Beginners
Neugebauer, Karen

641.853 Neug
Hikaru Noguchi's Darning
Noguchi, Hikaru

646.6 Nogu
The Vanishing Velázquez
Cumming, Laura

759.6 Cumm
Rising Tides
Sandilands, Catriona

808.8 Sand
I've Been Meaning To Tell You
Chariandy, David 1969-

813.6 Char
Fodor's Pacific Northwest

917.9 Paci
The Fight For History
Cook, Tim 1971-

940.5371 Cook
Too Much And Never Enough
Trump, Mary L.

973.933 Trum
Woodward, Bob 1943-

973.933 Wood

Children's Area Toddlers

(back to top)
Raven Squawk, Orca Squeak
Vickers, Roy Henry 1946-

JPT Vick

Juvenile Fiction

(back to top)
The Fallen World
Crewe, Megan

J Crew
Thirst. No. 1
Pike, Christopher 1955-

J Pike
The Vampire Diaries
Smith, L. J. (Lisa J.)

J Smit
The Initiation And, The Captive Part I
Smith, L. J. (Lisa J.)

J Smit

Juvenile Non-Fiction

(back to top)
My First 1000 Words: English/French

J 443.21 My

Juvenile Picture Books

(back to top)
Ehlert, Lois

JP Ehle
Sometimes People March
Allen, Tessa

JP Alle
George, Lucy M.

JP Geor
A Girl Like Me
Johnson, Angela 1961-

JP John
Going Down Home With Daddy
Lyons, Kelly Starling

JP Lyon
The Underdog Duckling
Meadows, Sally

JP Mead
My Papi Has A Motorcycle
Quintero, Isabel

JP Quin
We Are Grateful
Sorell, Traci

JP Sore
You're The Biggest
Tapper, Lucy

JP Tapp
A Map Into The World
Yang, Kao Kalia 1980-

JP Yang

Large Print

(back to top)
Killing The Rising Sun How America Vanquished World War II Japan
O'Reilly, Bill

LP 940.54 O'Re
Coulter, Catherine.

LP Coul
Johansen, Iris

LP Joha
A Better Man
Penny, Louise

LP Penn
Of Blood And Bone
Roberts, Nora

LP Robe
Thor, Brad

LP Thor

Multilingual Juvenile - First Floor

(back to top)
Dream Songs, Night Songs From China To Senegal, A Bedtime Story
Lacoursière, Patrick.

MJP Laco

Multilingual Juvenile French - First Floor

(back to top)
Maudet, Matthieu

MJF Maud
Oû Va Le Vent?
Delalandre, Benoît

MJF 034.1 Dela
Comment Vivent Les Enfants Dans Le Monde?
Arthus-Bertrand, Yann

MJF 305.23 Arth
Couleurs Du Monde

MJF 305.8 Coul
Familles Du Monde

MJF 306.85 Fami
Mamans Du Monde.

MJF 306.85 Mama
J'ai Bien Le Droit
Tirabosco, Tom 1966-

MJF 323.35 Tira
L' École Maternelle
Ledu, Stéphanie

MJF 372.21 Ledu
Tous À Table!

MJF 394.1 Tous
La Belle Au Bois Dormant
Grimm, Jacob 1785-1863

MJF 398.2 Grim
Une Année Bien Remplie
Deneux, Xavier

MJF 508.2 Dene
La Terre Bouge!
Arthus-Bertrand, Yann 1946-

MJF 551 Arth
L' Eau Dans Le Monde

MJF 551.48 L'ea
Les Animaux Sauvages Dans Leur Milieu
Arthus-Bertrand, Yann 1946-

MJF 590 Arth
À Qui Sont Ces Yeux?
Frattini, Stéphane, uteure.

MJF 591.4 Frat
M'as-tu Vu?
Frattini, Stéphane

MJF 591.4 Frat
Les Inventions
André, Guénolée

MJF 608 Andr
Les Hommes Et Leurs Maisons
Arthus-Bertrand, Yann 1946-

MJF 643 Arth
La Mer
Caillou, Pierre

MJF 793.73 Cail
La Montagne
Thubert, Malo

MJF 793.73 Thub
Jeux Du Monde

MJF 796 Jeux
Maman De Nuit
Baffert, Sigrid 1972-

MJF Baff
La Dent De Gazelle
Baffert, Sigrid 1972-

MJF Baff
Saute, Saute, C'est La Fête
Bourgeois-Richard, Claudette

MJF Bour
Le Cornichonnet Gaffeur
Demers, Dominique

MJF Deme
Le Nuage
Dubois, Claude K. 1960-

MJF Dubo
Moi, Papa Ours?
Erlbruch, Wolf

MJF Erlb
Fievel Au Far West

MJF Fiev
Poisson Et Chat
Grant, Joan 1931-

MJF Gran
Le Vilain Petit Canard
Kerleroux, Daniel

MJF Kerl
Quelle Belle Journée !
Krüger, Thomas

MJF Krüg
Et Pourquoi Je N'ai Jamais Le Droit?
Labbé, Brigitte 1960-

MJF Labb
Et Moi, Pourquoi Je N'ai Pas D'argent?
Labbé, Brigitte 1960-

MJF Labb
La Grande Fabrique De Mots
Lestrade, Agnès de 1964-

MJF Lest
J'aime Mon Papa Pirate.
Leuck, Laura

MJF Leuc
En Route, Monsieur Croc!
Lodge, Jo

MJF Lodg
Le Cri Du Hareng
Loew, Frédérique

MJF Loew
La Revanche De Petit Gourou
Milne, A. A. (Alan Alexander) 1882-1956

MJF Miln
Marre Des Cauchemars!
Nadaud, Claire 1944-

MJF Nada
La Petite Île
Nathan, Fernand

MJF Nath
Parot, Annelore

MJF Paro
Je Suis Capable!
Pelletier, Dominique

MJF Pell
Trop C'est Trop?
Perrin, Martine 1965-

MJF Perr
La Chance D'Ozou
Rueda, Claudia

MJF Rued
Bonjour Hiver
Sabuda, Robert 1965-

MJF Sabu
Une Sacrée Farce!
Willems, Mo

MJF Will
Oh, Un Oiseau Sur Ta Tête!
Willems, Mo.

MJF Will

Paperbacks - Adult

(back to top)
One Good Deed
Baldacci, David

APb Bald
Brown, Sandra 1948-

APb Brow
Broken Bone China
Childs, Laura

APb Chil
Cook, Robin 1940-

APb Cook
Sword Of Kings
Cornwell, Bernard

APb Corn
A Dangerous Man
Crais, Robert

APb Crai
The Titanic Secret
Cussler, Clive

APb Cuss
House On Fire
Finder, Joseph.

APb Find
Winter In Paradise
Hilderbrand, Elin

APb Hild
Johansen, Iris

APb Joha
The Girl Who Lived Twice
Lagercrantz, David

APb Lage
Lethal Agent
Mills, Kyle 1966-

APb Mill
The Family Lawyer
Patterson, James 1947-

APb Patt
Golden In Death
Robb, J. D. 1950-

APb Robb
The Last Odyssey
Rollins, James 1961-

APb Roll
Bloody Genius
Sandford, John

APb Sand
Child's Play
Steel, Danielle

APb Stee
Summer At Lake Haven
Thayne, RaeAnne

APb Thay

Paperbacks - Mystery

(back to top)
Terns Of Endearment
Andrews, Donna

MPb Andr
It Cannoli Be Murder
Bruns, Catherine

MPb Brun
A Field Guide To Homicide
Cahoon, Lynn

MPb Caho
Al Dente's Inferno
Cole, Stephanie

MPb Cole
Statue Of Limitations
Collins, Kate 1951-

MPb Coll
Death On Windmill Way
Doyle, Carrie 1972-

MPb Doyl
Murders And Metaphors
Flower, Amanda

MPb Flow
Sell Low, Sweet Harriet
Harris, Sherry (Mystery writer)

MPb Harr
A Night's Tail
Kelly, Sofie 1958-

MPb Kell
Hems And Homicide
Penney, Elizabeth

MPb Penn
Murder Can Mess Up Your Masterpiece
Pressey, Rose

MPb Pres
Haunted House Murder

MPb Haun

Paperbacks - Romance

(back to top)
The Summer House
Hale, Jenny 1975-

RPb Hale

Storage - Juvenile

(back to top)
The Great Airport Mystery
Dixon, Franklin W.

J Dixo

Adult DVDs

(back to top)
Cheers : Season 1-6

DVD Chee 6508 s1
Cheers : Season 1-6

DVD Chee 6509 s2
Cheers : Season 1-6

DVD Chee 6510 s3
Cheers : Season 1-6

DVD Chee 6511 s4
Cheers : Season 1-6

DVD Chee 6512 s5
Cheers : Season 1-6

DVD Chee 6513 s6
Cheers : Season 7-11

DVD Chee 6514 s7
Cheers : Season 7-11

DVD Chee 6515 s8
Cheers : Season 7-11

DVD Chee 6516 s9
Cheers : Season 7-11

DVD Chee 6517 s10
Cheers : Season 7-11

DVD Chee 6518 s11
Midsomer Murders. Series 21

DVD Mids 6519 s21
Grantchester. The Complete Fifth Season

DVD Gran 6520 s5
Anne. Season One

DVD Anne 6521 s1
Anne With An E. Season Two

DVD Anne 6522 s2
Anne With An E. Season Three

DVD Anne 6523 s3